I came to this course as a practicing music educator with a stirred interest in the transformation of suffering in families, cultures and myself. I had trained in family constellations and hypnotherapy and had grown professionally and personally with both of these training experiences. However, I was yet to feel satisfied about the answers to further questions of professional practices and to find clear paradigms of meaningful suffering.
At GTB I have found not only deeper answers, but also deeper questions. And finally, a deeper satisfaction with my own continued questioning. I experienced truly collegial learning. I learned about being fully in my suffering, joy, stuck-ness and growth, through fully being with others and finally fully letting others be with me. The model of learning and health in Gestalt challenged my individualistic perspectives on being a learner and being human. The moments of deep challenge were equal to the moments of deep insight both professionally and personally.
For me, studying Gestalt group and individual therapy practices has delivered increasing moments of peaceful vital meaningfulness. The Gestalt practices of personal therapy, being a therapist, group work and supervision, have opened me to a life of being fully with the simple yet compassionate complexity of deeper connection; a life of growth and excitement.
I have graduated now and gone on to further studies overseas with the Italian Gestalt Institute. I am delighting in travelling to Europe and learning with Gestalt trainers and practitioners from fourteen different countries around the globe. I have also won a scholarship to attend the Gestalt research conference in Santiago, Chile this May and then will be attending the EAGT conference in Budapest on “Creative Indifference” this September.
My gestalt journey that was launched at GTB and has now gone global!
“By walking one makes the road, and upon glancing behind one sees the path that never will be trod again. Wanderer, there is no road– Only wakes upon the sea”.
Antonio Machado